Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weekly words

1. greet : do welcom someone. / When I do my homework, I see this word in my Qest book.

2. oak : It is like tree. / I was going my house to bus. Bus got near to the my house. That time I saw this word in sing board.

3. armor : It is clothes for war or battle. / In my gladiator book.

4. turnstile: a gate at the entrance to a public building./ When I went to Sixflags, I enter turnstile. This word in my ticket.

5. inventory : list of all the objects, furniture./ When I came back my home, letter was attached door. Apartment's officer send me. There is a word in letter.

6. planet : a large round object in space that moves around a star./ I like yogurt ice cream. So my cousin send me to yogurt ice cream store. That ice cream store's name is Yogurt planet.

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