Sunday, October 25, 2009

Six weekly words.

1. bunch : A bunch of bananas or grapes is a group of them growing on the same stem./ I see this word on my cereal box.

2. inspire : If someone or something inspires you to do something new or unusual, they make you want to do it./ This thurthday I move my house, so I need some furnitures. I see this word furniture's megazin.

3. sanctuary : A sanctyary is a place where people who are in danger from other people can go to be safe./ When I look furnituer's megazin.

4. inquiry : n. repuest for information. / When I do homework with News for you.

5. ruins : To ruin something means to severely harm, damage, or spoil it./ In newspaper's puzzle.

6. injunction : An injunction is a court order, usually one telling someone not to do something. /My sister ask to my cousin this word means.

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