Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weekly words

1. greet : do welcom someone. / When I do my homework, I see this word in my Qest book.

2. oak : It is like tree. / I was going my house to bus. Bus got near to the my house. That time I saw this word in sing board.

3. armor : It is clothes for war or battle. / In my gladiator book.

4. turnstile: a gate at the entrance to a public building./ When I went to Sixflags, I enter turnstile. This word in my ticket.

5. inventory : list of all the objects, furniture./ When I came back my home, letter was attached door. Apartment's officer send me. There is a word in letter.

6. planet : a large round object in space that moves around a star./ I like yogurt ice cream. So my cousin send me to yogurt ice cream store. That ice cream store's name is Yogurt planet.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

News of choice #2

In New York, 'Horror Stories' and Halloween
October 27, 2006

When Juliet Jegasothy came to the United States from Sri Lanka, she had already heard many stories about what life was like in America.

"We came to America in 1969, we were just newly married, and we came to Brooklyn, New York." Jegasothy recently told her friend Sheena Jacob.

"I was so terrified to even open the door, because I had heard all these horror stories about crooks, and gangsters, and guns, in New York."

Jegasothy soon encountered an American tradition that she was not prepared for.
She was home alone with her baby daughter one night when the doorbell started ringing. She looked through the peephole, Jegasothy says, and saw a "really scary person standing outside. So I didn't open the door."

But the ringing didn't stop. One by one, people rang her doorbell. Then a whole group rang, and stood outside, Jegasothy says, "screaming at me through the door." She called her husband, who was working on his internship and residency at Coney Island Hospital."There's something happening, there's some crooks or somebody trying to frighten me at the door."

Don't go to the door, her husband, Brian, said. And try to stay quiet.

So she sat in the bedroom trying to keep her daughter quiet, says Jegasothy -- who admits to having a history as a "wimp." People kept ringing the bell for about another hour. Jegasothy says she was "sweating, and ready to die, almost."

Finally, around 9 p.m., her husband called back.

"I think," he said, "there's something called Halloween going on today, and that's what's been happening: People are supposed to ring the doorbell."

Jegasothy says she has never forgotten about how she became acquainted with the holiday. And her daughter, she says, "loves Halloween" to this day.

This story was produced for 'Morning Edition' by Michael Garofalo. The senior producer for StoryCorps is Sarah Kramer.

# Summary
This is story about person who newly come America like me. They don't know when halloween is. In halloween, some people who has costume push her house's bell for candys. That time, she think that so scary people stand in front of her door. But now she so love this holiday.

# Reation
This Saturday is halloween in America. So, when I read this article, I'm so exciting. And I looking forward to enjoying my first halloween. I can scare like this story's her. But I expect that time. Tomorrow, we have party in TIEP. I think this party is so interesting, too!! I expect this party too!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Six weekly words.

1. bunch : A bunch of bananas or grapes is a group of them growing on the same stem./ I see this word on my cereal box.

2. inspire : If someone or something inspires you to do something new or unusual, they make you want to do it./ This thurthday I move my house, so I need some furnitures. I see this word furniture's megazin.

3. sanctuary : A sanctyary is a place where people who are in danger from other people can go to be safe./ When I look furnituer's megazin.

4. inquiry : n. repuest for information. / When I do homework with News for you.

5. ruins : To ruin something means to severely harm, damage, or spoil it./ In newspaper's puzzle.

6. injunction : An injunction is a court order, usually one telling someone not to do something. /My sister ask to my cousin this word means.

News of choice

Dark Chocolate Not Good for You After All
December 27, 2007

Your holiday loot may include an assortment of dark chocolates — perhaps a gift from a thoughtful relative who had heard about its health benefits. Now a leading medical journal says dark chocolate may not be as good for you as you think. According to an editorial in The Lancet, many chocolate makers remove flavenols — the heart-healthy ingredient — due to their bitter taste. The devil in the dark chocolate is the fat, sugar and calories it also contains, according to The Lancet. To gain any health benefit, it says, you must reduce your intake of other foods.

+Summary and reaction
This article, from, is about dark chocolate. When I read this article, I'm so sad. I like chocolate so much. But a leading medical journal says dark chocolate may not be as good for me as me think. Besides, chocolate has many devil. As you can see, fat, suger and calories are chocolate's devils. If I want to health, I don't eat much chocolate. From today, I make desperate efforts to cut off chocolate.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I think his action's meaning is his victory. Concretely, the action that he took some earth in his hands mean he acquire victory. In other words, earth is victory. Then he let it fall through his fingers. This action means he ready to war.

Hello, I'm Sophie!!

Nice to meet you. Welcome to my blog. My name is Sophie. I'm from South Korea. I'm 20 years old. I'm university student in korea. My major is food nutrition. I like listening to music, cooking and window shopping.
I came Austin on Oct 11. for language training. I choose Austin because my cousin has lived since 2005. She is UT student. She recommend TIEP so I'm TIEP student now.
I want to improve my English speaking skill. So I have to study so hard. I must keep this mind until nextyear jun. That time, I will come back my hometown. For this 9 monthes, I want good time in Austin^^