Sunday, November 29, 2009


Some people cooked with beer. Other people didn’t cook with beer. Every people has positive thinking to cook with beer. People who already had beer food said that food with beer was so nice. In other words, people who didn’t eat beer food yet said that they will cook with beer like me. I am thinking I cook with beer, too. It is so exciting and interesting!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Weekly words #5

1. to go box : It is box for bring food to my house. /When I went to restaurant, Amy said that please give me to go box.

2. auxiliary: extra. loan a state of emergency. / I read this word in Quest book.

3. beg : begger have to this. "pleas give me some food"/ I showed movie "Memory of a geisha". That word appeared.

4. shuffle : shake card skillful. / I play my roommate's board card game. This word in that explanation.

5. bandanna: a large handkerchief./ I showed a word in movie "danna", so I wanted to know this word mean. I found this word in internet dictionary, but this word isn't there. Instead of there is this word "bandanna"

6. "kneel!!" : It is kind of imperative sentence. Do your kneel down to floor. / I showed movie "Memory of a geisha". Honor who buy geisha said this.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

News of choice #8

Cooking With Beer

We can cook with Beer. We already cook many food with wine, so we cook with beer, too! Many person think beer is not good for healthy, but In fact, ancient Egyptian and Sumerian physicians considered cooking with beer a healthy practice. Also, if we cook with beer, we can make wonderful flavors.

I saw cooking with beer in TV. They put beer to chiken. First time, I think so strange. I think that chiken never delicious, but they said that this chiken' flavor is so soft. I was so surprised.
I think beer is just kind of drink water, so that time and this article are so exciting to me.
Thesedays, I live with only my sister, so I cook myself. Someday, I will cook with beer!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

News of choice #7

Some Scars Only Doctors See

A doctor, Natalie Mariano, has worked at the Veterans Affairs Primary Care Center in Hyannis. He is Jade's has the physician in charge. She is veteran to experience Irap war, so she become disable. She hate her disability and parking handicapped place, but doctor can't help her.

Many veterans are injured for war. They only think their country's peace, but they become disable people. It is our veteran's life. It is so sad life, but we don't change this. Because I think that if we live together, we have to war. Everyone is selfish, so everyone want ownself's country's profit. We don't avoid this problem.

+Reaction to the Comments
Some people thought that military service nevr maintain, It is disappeared. Because of this story and they family. I think that it can't disappear. Because we have a war until now and we must keep our country. If it disappear, many citizen fear so much. Other people said that military service be maintain. They said one year is not too much. Yes, one year is ok, but Korea's military service is two years. It is so long time to young man.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekly words #4

1) caption : the words under the picture / I studied Quest book. there is the word in reading strategy.

2) lyrics : This is letter in song. Without rhythm. / When I did Chris homework, I knew this word. Chris homework is find song.

3) carrier : a person who deliver something . / When I order pizza on line, I check this part.

4) violation : don't follow low. / I went to theater. This word in my ticket.

5) prosthetic : It isn't real teeth. instead of real teeth. / in the book.

6) spunk : a man who many girl like / I saw this word in internet.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

News of choice #6

For Disabled Chinese Girl, An Uncertain Future

Huang Meihua is a bright, spirited 12-year-old with an uncertain future. Meihua is also a double amputee. Both of her legs were crushed in last May's earthquake in southwest China, when her school collapsed around her in a remote mountain village. People stares uncomfortable and she don't like her Prosthetic Legs. In addition, her parents impossible to find good school.

Although she is disalbed, she is so positive person. She's pretty and funny and full of spunk. When she was born, she is not disalbed. Because of this, she harder. Her legs is not useful. So she use prosthetic legs. She is so young girl. Prosthetic legs is so uncomfortable to her. It is so sad. But she has nice dream. She wants to get a Ph.D. in math or science. I hope this. I want to talk to her " Cheer up !!"

News of choice #5

A Widow Paints A Health Care Protest

Regina Holliday who widow paints her husband . He died on June 17th of kidney cancer. He was 39 years old, with his wife and two young sons. One of his death's reason is haspital's system. Now she's painted the story of her husband's difficult final days on the gas station wall in a residential neighborhood several miles from the U.S. Capitol and the White House.

I'm so sad to hear that. Although he has disease, he can live more. Of course, haspital has reason , but it is exactly bad news. As we can guess, Regina so love har husband. She paints thinking her husband. Thier love is so beautiful.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Weekly words #3

1. dermatology : It is study of skin. This study about skin disease./ I walked street after my class. A woman gave shopper to me. These is a word in that sopper.

2. imperative : thing that we must. We don't avoid it. / I read this word in my Gladiator book.

3. earthquak : This is kind of misfortune. It shake our floor./ In class, our grupe said about cool job. That time Jose said this word.

4. consumption : use somthing so that is out. / In Halloween, I drank beer. Can of beer has this word. 'Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car'

5. glade : a empty space of forest./ I moved in my house. So My house has some bad smell. I bought aromatic. This word in aromatic's bowl.

6. pandemic : This is danger disease. This disease spreads by contagion. / When I did my News of choice, I saw this word in my article about Flu.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

News of choice #4

North America Leads Swine Flu Pack

Seven months into the flu pandemic of 2009. Unlike elsewhere, the new H1N1 never exited stage left after its debut appearance in late April. In fact, it's making more noise than ever. Mexico has experienced more cases of pandemic flu since September than it did over the first four months of the pandemic this spring.But Fukuda warns that flu viruses evolve as more people get infected -- it's a Darwinian response as the virus "seeks" ways to get around increasing immunity in a population.

The flu is so scare disease. All of world, people scare this disease. Because this disease is infectious. So we take care ourself. Although this disease has vaccin, it's quantity is not enough.
We have to wash our hands and feet. So we avoid this infectious disease.

News of choice #3

Childhood Obesity 'a Lifelong Yoke'

Childhood obesity is not good child's futrue. When they grow up, they can't have some diseases.
So parents should watch their children's obesity and rectify it at all cost. Korea professor study about this. And The results showed that the children became fatter as they grew. So, childhood obesity is not good!!

I think childhood obesity isn't good not only health but also kid's characters. They are lazzy,too.
Kids have to play with thier friends but that kids maybe play whit their computer. It is so not good them. Their parents must let exercise. Then their life is change!!